a - z指数



  • 没有正确完成在线申请,直接贷款资金不能存入学生账户 贷款入学辅导直接贷款主本票.
  • Funds for academic year loans are required to be disbursed in two equal payments.
  • 如果学生获得额外的奖学金或其他资源,列出的联邦援助金额可能会减少.
  • 攻读学位的学生在一个学期内只能从一个机构获得资助.
  • Your Award Offer indicates whether or not you are eligible for the Federal Work Study program. Being eligible does not guarantee you a position. In order to receive these funds you must obtain employment. The job application, search 和 interviewing process are part of your career education. 搜索 学生就业 校园内的空缺职位.
  • All awards, except Federal Work Study, are applied to the student's account. 通过勤工俭学项目的工作岗位是不保证的,工作时间必须在工资支票产生之前完成. Payroll checks are produced on the 25th of each month 和 are made payable to the student.
  • You may seek employment on campus even if you do not qualify for Federal Work Study, but first priority for employment is given to those who do. 请拨打660与学生就业办公室联系.562.1140或以上 pmclain@relativisticdesigns.com 如果你有具体的问题. The 学生就业 Office will also be available to answer questions at all SOAR dates. 打算在校园工作的学生将被要求完成就业验证和授权文书工作,这将需要提供某些文件.


  • 以新生入学为基础的优秀奖学金不能相互堆叠(教务长奖学金), 迪安的学者, 杰出的学者, 学术, 塔学者, 大学学者, 和西北功勋). 最高奖项为连续四年.
  • 校长奖学金将取代基于录取的优秀奖学金(教务长奖学金), 迪安的学者, 杰出的学者, 学术, 塔学者, 大学学者, 西北的优点, (西北学者).
  • 基于转学录取的优秀奖学金不能相互叠加(转学杰出奖学金), 转移的学术 Scholarship 和 Transfer Merit). 最高奖项为连续三年.
  • Phi Theta Kappa奖学金将取代基于录取的优秀奖学金(Transfer Distinguished), 转移的学术, 或转学成绩).
  • Undergraduate scholarships are restricted for use during a student's first undergraduate program.
  • 基于录取的优秀奖学金不适用于在线专业课程的学生.  更多的 information about cost for those programs can be found at http://online.relativisticdesigns.com/tuition/
  • 所有奖学金获得者必须全日制注册(每学期12西北学时)才能获得大学奖学金.
  • 学生必须在指定日期前被录取,奖学金才能颁发.
  • 以录取为基础的优秀奖学金的入学申请截止日期为5月1日,以保证奖学金的发放. For students who complete their admission application after May 1, scholarships will be awarded contingent upon available funding. 
  • 参加免除费用的海外留学项目的学生将不会在该学期获得熊猫优势.
  • 通过西北基金会资助的特定专业和私人奖学金金额可能会随着资金的可用性而波动.
  • 新生总统奖学金和和记棋牌娱乐A+奖学金只适用于秋季学期开始的学生.
  • Transferable credit hours do not include AP, CLEP, military or nongraded credit hours.
  • Renewal requirements must be met within the academic year sequence (fall, spring 和/or summer) in order to maintain continuous award of the scholarship.
  • 和记棋牌娱乐的奖学金项目每年都会根据资金水平和大学的优先事项发生变化. While Northwest will attempt to honor renewal programs based on the student's year of admission, 大学不能总是保证这一点.
  • 熊猫 Advantage has a maximum award of 132 total Northwest credit hours earned.


  • 所有财政援助(包括私人奖学金和外部资源)减少学生的总西北帐户余额前分期付款金额计算. 奖学金 will not satisfy an installment payment.
  • Many outside resources such as private scholarships, vocational rehabilitation, etc. 有时直到晚些时候才授予. When we are notified of those awards, it will require a revision of your financial aid package.
  • You may need to provide proof of enrollment such as a copy of your billing statement, class schedule or most recent grades before your donor will release funds. Please allow ample time for the payment to reach Northwest before the semester begins. Arrangement for these funds is the responsibility of the student 和 scholarship donor. As a general practice, Northwest does not bill for the funds


  • 出席费用(COA): 你在学年期间上学的总费用(不包括助学金和奖学金). COA includes tuition 和 fees; housing 和 food; 和 allowances for books, 供应, 运输, 贷款费用, 依赖性护理. It also includes miscellaneous 和 personal expenses, such as an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer; costs related to a disability; 和 reasonable costs for eligible study-abroad programs. 上课时间少于半天的学生, the COA includes tuition 和 fees; an allowance for books, 供应, 和 运输; 依赖性护理 expenses.
  • 直接资助贷款:美国提供的贷款.S. Department of Education pays the interest on while you’re in school at least half-time, for the first six months after you leave school (referred to as a grace period*), 和 during a period of deferment (a postponement of loan payments).
  • 直接无补贴贷款: 贷款 that the borrower is responsible for paying the interest on during all periods. 如果你选择不支付利息,而你在学校,在宽限期和延期或宽限期, your interest will accrue (accumulate) 和 be capitalized (that is, your interest will be added to the principal amount of your loan).
  • 预期家庭贡献:你的学校用来计算你有资格获得的联邦学生援助金额的数字. 它是基于你在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)中提供的财务信息。. This is not the amount of money your family will have to pay for college, nor is it the amount of federal student aid you will receive.
  • 联邦半工半读的一项联邦学生援助计划,在学生入学期间提供兼职工作,以帮助支付其教育费用. The student must seek out 和 apply for work-study jobs at his or her school. 学生将直接获得他或她的工作时间的报酬,可能不会自动记入支付机构的学费或费用. The amount you earn cannot exceed the total amount awarded by the school for the award year. The availability of work-study jobs varies by school. Please note that 联邦半工半读的 earnings may be taxed in certain scenarios; however the income you earn will not be counted against you when calculating your 预期家庭贡献 on the FASFA.
  • 助学金及奖学金: Student aid funds that do not have to be repaid. 奖助金 are often need-based, while scholarships are usually merit-based. Occasionally you might have to pay back part or all of a grant if, 例如, you withdraw from school before finishing a semester. If you use a grant or scholarship to cover your living expenses, the amount of your scholarship may be counted as taxable income on your tax return.
  • 贷款: Borrowed money that must be repaid with interest. 联邦政府贷款的利率通常比私人贷款的利率低. 联邦贷款, listed from most advantageous to least advantageous, 是直接补贴贷款吗, 直接无补贴贷款, 及家长PLUS贷款. You can find more information about federal loans at StudentAid.政府.
  • 净价:学生及其家庭在某一学年为学生就读某一特定学校所需支付的实际费用的估计. 净学费是由学校的出勤费用减去学生可能有资格获得的助学金和奖学金决定的.
  • 非联邦私人教育贷款:私人教育贷款是由私人教育贷款机构向借款人(通过教育机构或直接向借款人)发放的专上教育费用贷款, 而不是第四章, HEA loan offered by the Department of Education.
  • 发放的费用: An upfront fee charged by a lender for processing a new loan application. It is compensation for putting the loan in place. Origination fees are quoted as a percentage of the total loan.
  • 家长附加贷款:提供给受抚养本科生家长的贷款,无论贷款状况如何,借款人都要承担全部利息.
  • 教师资助计划:提供最高4美元的补助金,每年向正在完成或计划完成教学工作所需课程的学生提供10,000美元. If you do not meet the requirements of your service obligation, all TEACH 奖助金 you received will be converted to 直接无补贴贷款. 你必须全额偿还这些贷款, with interest charged from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement. Service obligation information can be found at http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/grants/teach
  • 学费支付计划学校提供的学费支付计划可以让学生分摊学费. 它包括90天或更短的信贷延期,其中教育机构是贷款人, or of one year or less where an interest rate will not be applied to the credit payment.
  • 退伍军人教育福利: 帮助退伍军人的福利, 服务人员, 和 their qualified family members with needs like paying college tuition, 找到合适的学校或培训项目, 获得职业咨询. 你可以在这里找到更多信息: http://www.va.gov/教育/.

欲知详情,请浏览 http://studentaid.gov